Episode 139: Rebels: “Ghosts of Geonosis” Parts 1 and 2 (Season 3, Ep. 12–13)

Have you ever wanted to spend half an hour debating the moral calculus of war and the conflicting ethics embodied by Saw Gerrera? Boy are you in the right place!

In “Ghosts of Geonosis,” Rebels’ mid-season 3 arc, we do a deep dive into fanaticism, rebellion, and the meta-narrative of a character who has been in just about every single Star Wars series up until now. Saw Gerrera is one of the most puzzling and polarizing characters in Star Wars, and Ghosts of Geonosis pitches his rebelliousness against the larger backdrop of the Rebellion.

Want even more Growing Up Skywalker? This is a great time to sign up for our Patreon for bonus audio content! Now is the perfect time to join in on the fun, because you have a chance to request our next Spice Run project—otherwise, Sam is threatening another 5-hour Sam’s Naval History Minute.


00:00:00 Plot Overview

00:9:11 Deep Dive into Saw Gerrera 

00:30:50 Klick-Klack and the Ethics of Geonosian Survival

00:44:30 Rebel Command

00:49:29 Bae Watch

00:55:14 Closing Thoughts


Episode 140: Rebels: “Warhead” and “Trials of the Darksaber” (Season 3, Ep. 14–15)


Episode 138: Rebels: “The Wynkahthu Job” + “An Inside Man” + “Visions and Voices” (Season 3, Ep. 9–11)